Announcement of new journal

Announcement of new journal and call for submission of papers: Proceedings of International Conferences & Meetings (PICM)

We are very pleased to announce the longing of Proceedings of International Conferences & Meetings (PICM), a new Diamond Open Access, online- international journal, accessible all over the world. Diamond Open Access means that anyone in the world with access to the Internet can publish with this journal, view the journal, access its papers and use for FREE (provided the source of the article properly cited).

PICM will serve as a great platform for the publication of peer reviewed articles presented in reputed international conferences and meetings around the globe. PICM will adopt similar editorial policy as par with other reputed state-of-art journals with long-term scientific credibility. PICM will accept papers on science, engineering, medicine and multidisciplinary areas of research with high quality content of interest to our readers with broad research interests. Each issue will have a preface or issue editorial briefing the program of the conference or meeting, 1-3 review articles about the broad areas of research focusing on different sessions of the conference and 15-30 original articles based on the results presented in the conference. Ideally, the issue editor alone or together with the organizing committee members can write the preface. Thematic reviews are expected to come from the plenary speakers as the lead author.

Rather than accepting and publishing high quality research papers like other journals, PICM will act as an advanced educational platform for sharing the most recent and research information. All the contents will be available at no charge. For those who cannot go for meetings to gain knowledge regarding very recent advancements in their field, PICM will be an invaluable source of information for them.

PICM wants to involve researchers, particularly the young researchers who have a difficult time for gaining recognition in many countries around the world. PICM will have new and innovative team of both academic editors and technical team for to ensure the quality of the accepted papers and timely publication of each issue. PICM will also have an active participation in social media networks in disseminating its contents to a broader audience.

There will not be any cost of publication for the authors. The cost of publishing an issue on a specific conference or meeting will be collected from the organizers of the conference. We are working on ways to eliminate that fee by obtaining advertising or grants. For those events with a great benefit to the academic community cannot afford publishing cost, it can be waived by the decision of Krispon publishing.

You can access our new Web site for more information. This site includes a link for authors to submit their new manuscripts and detailed author guidelines.

If you are interested in editing an issue/section with PICM, please touch with us at

We hope that researchers everywhere will enjoy this new journal. We are also open to any suggestions or constructive criticism that make this journal a perfect place for publishing conference papers. We would be very pleased if you would share this information with your friends and colleagues.


Oct 10, 2019 Category: General Posted by: krispon
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