Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document file format..
The text is formatted exactly as in the template; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines 

Please submit your manuscript and all other attachments via our Manuscript Submission System.

Please use the Submission Checklist below and send a covering letter, the manuscript, and completed conflict of interest and terms and conditions forms. Upon submission, the Editor-in-Chief will assess the suitability of the manuscript for the journal and send a response to you within 24 hours.

Submission checklist

Elements to send – you will need to submit all of these to Manuscript Manager at the same time to enable a successful submission:

Cover letter prepared – following our Covering Letter Guidelines (below)
Manuscript including figures, tables and supplementary data – prepared following our Manuscript Preparation Guidelines (below)

Cover Letter guidelines

Address the letter to the ‘Editor-in-Chief’.
Include a full statement about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or similar work. Any such work should be referred to specifically and referenced in the new paper. Copies of such material should be included with the submitted paper to help the Editor address the situation.
If the manuscript has been submitted previously to another journal, it is helpful to include the other editor and peer reviewers’ comments with the submitted manuscript, along with the authors’ responses to those comments. Submitting previous communications may expedite the peer review process.
A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors and that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest work.

A conflict of interest statement

The letter should give any additional information that may be helpful to the Editor-in-Chief. 
If appropriate, include a statement that confirms that the article complies with GPP3.
Manuscript preparation guidelines

You should submit a well-structured Word document (.doc, .docx) organised into the following sections in our standard template:

Title page
Preferred spelling (US or UK)
Article type
Article title
Running head/title – no more than 60 characters
List of authors and their affiliations.
Corresponding author details including full name, affiliation and email address
Abstract – an abstract (250 words) is required only for Original Research and Review articles. For Original Research articles, please use a structured abstract (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion). You may use an unstructured abstract for a review article if you prefer. 
Keywords – up to 8 key words.
Abbreviations: please explain all abbreviations on first instance in the main text, figures and tables
Introduction –  Include essential background information and the objectives of your study or review.
Methods – for original research: include clear methodology. Include clear statements about the following: Ethics/Review board approval (name, location, date), signed patient consent, compliance with relevant  Guidelines, trial registration number if it is a clinical trial.
For retrospective studies, review board approval may not be needed but you should include a statement that you have checked this with your review board and they exempted it.
Case reports do not need to be approved by a review board. Signed patient consent is not required if you have de-identified the details such that the identity of the patient may not be ascertained in any way. You should state this in your manuscript. If complete de-identification is not feasible, you must obtain signed consent and state this in your manuscript.
Research studies using human or animal subjects: trial’s design, conduct, and reporting of results must conform to Good Clinical Practice guidelines (e.g. Good Clinical Practice in Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-Regulated Clinical Trials (USA), Medical Research Council Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice in Clinical Trials (UK)), World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki. Include a clear description about the choice of statistical methods.
Results – concise. Use tables and figures if needed to clarify things. Clear presentation of statistics.
Discussion/Conclusions – make sure the conclusions you make are backed up by your research/review. All study or review limitations must be addressed in this section. (Include an abbreviated form of the limitations in your Abstract as well.). You may also use a combined Results & Discussion section if you prefer.
Contributions – describe how the listed authors contributed towards the final manuscript.
Disclosure and potential conflicts of interest – this section should contain the same information as your completed Conflicts of Interest form.
Acknowledgments – include any assistance from others here. You may include anyone who provided technical assistance or statistical analysis, took care of the animals, or provided reagents or equipment.
Funding declaration – please declare if the study was funded and by whom. Please also include the grant number if available.
References – we use Vancouver style with the addition of DOI numbers
[1]        Debeir OD, Decaestecker C, Debeir O, Adanja I, Kiss R. Models of cancer cell migration and cellular imaging and analysis. Motile Actin Syst. Heal. Dis., vol. 661, 2008, p. 123–56.

[2]        Progatzky F, Dallman MJ, Celso C Lo. From seeing to believing: Labelling strategies for in vivo cell-tracking experiments. Interface Focus 2013;3:20130001. doi:10.1098/rsfs.2013.0001.

[3]        Tan GZ, Zhou Y. Tunable 3D Nanofiber Architecture of Polycaprolactone by Divergence Electrospinning for Potential Tissue Engineering Applications. Nano-Micro Lett 2018;10:73. doi:10.1007/s40820-018-0226-0.

Usage of language

Research should be reported in the past tense, but conclusions and discussions should be in the present tense.

Figures and Tables – permissions and additional information

Reuse of material
Authors must obtain permission to use any copyrighted material contained in their manuscript.  You must add an acknowledgment to any figure or table legend to say that it has been ‘adapted from’ or ‘reproduced with permission’ and cite the original source.

Authors must keep electronic copies of all licenses obtained and any related correspondence (it is your responsibility to retain this documentation if needed in the future).

Drugs in Context does not redraw figures to save time and reduce errors. Please submit figures in two file formats:

Application format: for example, if the graphic was created in Illustrator, submit the Illustrator file.
Jpeg format: export the graphic from the application that was used to create it to provide the graphic as a high-resolution jpeg. High resolution is 300dpi or more.
Figures should be cited within the text like this (Fig. 1). Place all figures together at the end of the text and ensure a caption is provided for each one. Use alphabet letters for symbols. Please explain all non-standard abbreviations in the legend (even if you have explained it in the text).

Please provide Tables as part of your Word document. Tables should be cited within the text like this (Table 1). Place all tables together at the end of the text and ensure a caption is provided for each one. Use alphabet letters for symbols. Please explain all non-standard abbreviations in a footnote (even if you have explained it in the text).

Supplementary files

Clearly label any extra files and specify what you are sending and why in the covering letter 

Further questions:

Please contact the Editor-in-Chief or managing editor of respective Krispon journal if you have any other questions.

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